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UConn. 3:45 p.m.

M. comes in the cafeteria, sees me sitting at a table, working . He comes closer, pulls the chair off the table and sits in front of me.

We start small-talking. As usually.

"wazup?", "how is it going", stuff like that.

And then:

M.:" so, I think you should definitely  get a Green Card and stay here"

Moi:" well, I wish I could, but it's not that easy. They don't hand over Green Cards like this, you know".

M.: " No? then what do you have to do to get one?"

Moi: "Well, whether you're very special, a very smart physician, a doctor, an actress,you're gifted with something that few people have, or you're VERY rich... or you gotta marry someone here."

M. " Really? Well... I'll marry you, you know!"


Et voilà. Ma première demande en mariage.

S'est même pas mis à genoux le sot!! ;-))

Ecrit par Boubou, le Jeudi 3 Novembre 2005, 18:52 dans la rubrique "Jour après jour".