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UConn. 3:45 p.m. M. comes in the cafeteria, sees me sitting at a table, working . He comes closer, pulls the chair off the table and sits in front of me. We start small-talking. As usually. "wazup?", "how is it going", stuff like that. And then: M.:" so, I think you should definitely get a Green Card and stay here" Moi:" well, I wish I could, but it's not that easy. They don't hand over Green Cards like this, you know". M.: " No? then what do you have to do to get one?" Moi: "Well, whether you're very special, a very smart physician, a doctor, an actress,you're gifted with something that few people have, or you're VERY rich... or you gotta marry someone here." M. " Really? Well... I'll marry you, you know!" ... Et voilà. Ma première demande en mariage. S'est même pas mis à genoux le sot!! ;-)) Ecrit par Boubou, le Jeudi 3 Novembre 2005, 18:52 dans la rubrique "Jour après jour".
Ils ont eu le génie...
"En se plaignant on se console, et quelques fois une parole,nous a délivrés d'un remord" (A.De Musset)
"Espérer le meilleur...Mais s'attendre au pire!" (?)
"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them..." (JRR T)
"Oh Dieu, vraiment, as -tu pu croire, que je préférais sous les cieux, l'effrayant rayon de ta gloire, aux douces lueurs de ses yeux?" (V.Hugo)